Lingual audio method

Descrição: One of the basic premises of the method is that the student must first practice oral skills (listening and speaking), and only later, in a second phase, written skills (reading and writing). This is because the learner can only be exposed to writing when
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Lingual audio method: One of the basic premises of the method is that the student must first practice oral skills (listening and speaking), and only later, in a second phase, written skills (reading and writing). This is because the learner can only be exposed to writing when
CHAVE compartilhamento: 30264PALAVRAS_Efuturo_714     Total de palavras: 12
Forca     Futebol de palavras     Curtida do Saber...    Roleta do Saber     Caminho do Saber     Palavras Cruzadas

CHAVE compartilhamento: 18803PALAVRAS_Efuturo_865     Total de palavras: 9
Forca     Futebol de palavras     Curtida do Saber...    Roleta do Saber     Caminho do Saber     Palavras Cruzadas

Linguistic Variation: Aspects of English Variatin
CHAVE compartilhamento: 8059PALAVRAS_Efuturo_312     Total de palavras: 12
Forca     Futebol de palavras     Curtida do Saber...    Roleta do Saber     Caminho do Saber     Palavras Cruzadas