TALENTS - Symbolize the infinite divine resources made available by the Supreme Creator or God for our spiritual progress.
MATERIAL TALENT - Wealth, good living conditions, good social status, good health, access to good education and healthcare services, and etc.
ETHEREAL TALENT - Enlightened mind, good memory, diverse abilities in the field of arts and related services, the gift of oratory, courage, sensitivity, compassion, and various other qualities.
5 TALENTS - Those that receive these amount of talents symbolizes the more experienced spirits, who reincarnate for missions with social repercussion.
2 TALENTS - Those that receives these amount of talents symbolizes the spirits destined to more restricted tasks, in the family environment.
1 TALENT - Those that receive these amount of talents symbolizes the spirits with no other responsibility than to promote their own spiritual progress by acquiring the virtues they lack.
GOOD SERVANT - Symbolizes those that took advantage of the opportunities that were given to them for the betterment of others and of themselves, progressing. Responds to Gods trust and will receive help and protection so that they can increase their virtues.
BAD SERVANT - Symbolizes those that because of fear of acting, laziness and lack of commitment, wastes the resource entrusted to them and get stuck in their spiritual progress. They will expiate, in future reincarnations of suffering, that negligence, and laziness.
QUALITIES - God does not give them, but offers the means for their development.